Tensor Supports Local Pre-School Following Lockdown

hail weston pre school

Hail Weston Pre-School Activity Group is a Cambridgeshire-based pre-school situated in Hail Weston village next to St Neots. The charity-run pre-school is managed and supported by a voluntary committee elected annually from the parents of children that attend the school.

Like many charities and businesses, the COVID-19 pandemic has been an extremely tough time and continues to do so even after lockdown restrictions have been lifted. It is especially important that local communities come together to support each other in times of need, which is exactly why Tensor is giving back to its community.

Sam Sinclair, the pre-school leader, has recently reached out to Tensor requesting to erect a banner outside the Tensor HQ to help advertise their services for local children and increase awareness of the pre-school for parents in the surrounding area. Sam said: “We are hoping this will help make other commuters aware of our pre-school in Hail Weston, and hopefully aid in getting prospective parents to view our lovely pre-school which continues to struggle following the lockdown.”

Tensor have also recently donated towards their Christmas raffle, as well as making a £100 donation for the pre-school to use as they wish.

The pre-school uses both Tensor and HeatingSave products when they hire out the Hail Weston Village Hall for fundraising events. “As a charity run pre-school throughout the year, we hold fundraising events to enable us to raise funds for extra resources through play and appreciate any support that local businesses can give us,” Sam added.

We at Tensor encourage other local businesses to help support local charities and struggling businesses during this difficult time.

If you have children aged 2-4 and would like more information about the pre-school, please visit their website.

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