Mobile clocking apps deliver superior time management features for telecommuters / remote workers
While clocking stations or time clocks, using either smart cards, biometrics or both are still efficient tools for monitoring employee attendance, the rise of telecommuting and remote working, paired with the leaps forward in mobile technologies recorded over the past few years, has led to the appearance of a completely new way of managing the time employees spend working – mobile clocking apps.
Mobile clocking applications are, essentially, a mobile software update to the traditional punch card. They enable the same core functionality of clocking in and out of work, but also add a plethora of extra features that make life a lot easier for the remote workers – such as the ability to book time on specific projects, but also to put in annual leave requests, check the status of those requests, check flexitime, etc.
Furthermore, some of them deliver an extra layer of by transmitting GPS coordinates to the company servers –meaning that employers will be able to know whether their remote employees (such as engineers, for example) are where they’re supposed to be at any given time or not.
The Mobile Self Service Module (SSM) within the Tensor.NET Time & Attendance offers superb accuracy and a friendly user-interface, complemented by best-in-class workforce productivity-enhancing features.
The Tensor Mobile SSM is a cross-platform app that transforms any iOS, Android or Windows Phone mobile device into a powerful personnel management tool. Available as a free download via the iTunes Store, Google Play or Windows Phone Store, Tensor Mobile SSM allows users to Clock IN and OUT at their respective locations, as well as requesting a period of absence, viewing remaining leave entitlements, recent clocking history and current flexitime balance. The system implements role based security, allowing administrators to easily choose which combination of features employees will have permission to access.
Additionally, mobile users will be able to easily book ON or OFF production jobs, and also receive notifications when their absence, clocking amendment or flexitime adjustment requests are approved or rejected.
Supervisors receive notifications when sub-ordinates create requests and can easily authorise or reject any requested periods of absence, absence cancellations or flexitime adjustments. The management of requests is made easy with the aid of a consolidated calendar displaying the absences of all subordinate employees.
Given its mobile nature, the application also offers a special provision to mitigate the possible connectivity losses, by storing all of the requests on the mobile device and transferring them immediately after a network connection is re-established.
Mobile clockings and job bookings, once submitted, are transferred to the central Tensor.NET application. In addition, the employee’s geographical position is also ascertained from their mobile device’s location and the employee’s movements and clocking records are plotted on a map viewable in Tensor.NET.
If you’d like to find out more about the Tensor Mobile SSM app, just contact us or Book a Demo, we’d be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.