Fire Roll Call System Enables Fast and Orderly Evacuation when Fire Breaks out in Student Accommodation


Installing a fire roll call system can help student accommodation management teams evacuate all lodgers in a very fast and orderly manner, thus ensuring their safety, as well as granting fire crews easy access to the premises.

This exact unfortunate situation has recently occurred at the 4-storey student accommodation complex at Liberty Quays in Gillingham, Medway, where a student suffered smoke inhalation after a kitchen fire broke out. Everyone else in the four storey student accommodation complex in Blake Avenue was evacuated and accounted for, and the kitchen fire was swiftly put out.

Station manager Vicki Board said: “Due to the type of accommodation and the amount of smoke reported, we initially sent six fire engines, however this was soon scaled down, after the had crews entered the property and found that the fire had mostly burnt out.

“The evacuation and roll call by the management of the premises was very efficient, and the information provided by them to arriving crews was very helpful.”

Fire roll call systems – a life-saving feature when emergency evacuation is required

Safety is ensured when Tensor clocks and Access Control units are linked into your fire alarm system to trigger a fast, automated fire evacuation list.

The T8526 can control up to two printers for evacuation reporting purposes. On activation of a fire alarm panel, automatic roll-call reports are printed listing the names and departments of cardholders who remain on-site. In addition, doors can be configured to open automatically on fire alarm activation and lock automatically once the fire alarm activation condition has ceased.

Reports can be grouped by a cardholder’s default resident fire point or by the fire point that they are currently booked on to. Printers are connected either via a direct cable connection or by direct IP and can be limited to reporting upon specific zones or fire points.

Muster points can also be installed where cardholders scan upon arrival at a Muster point. In real-time, Tensor.NET Access removes the cardholder from the fire roll-call report to provide a real-time roll call of any cardholders who remain in the building.

If you’d like to find out more about the Fire Roll Call functionality provided by the Tensor Time & Attendance and Access Control systems, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries on the matter.

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