Employees suffering from fatigue affect the productivity of UK businesses
Employees suffering from fatigue could be costing British businesses around £453 million in productivity each year, recent research by Sealy UK has been able to reveal.
Researchers for the company calculated that if one in five employees missed work because of lack of sleep one day a year this would cost £453 million in productivity, and mean a total loss of 47,250,000 hours of work.
The report also found that 21% of employees have recently called in sick or arrived late because of lack of sleep and 10% of respondents also admitted to regularly falling asleep in a meeting or at their desk ‘by accident’. Almost a third (32%) said that they felt tired every morning, and more than one in 20 (6%) said that they nap at work ‘most days’.
Sealy marketing director Neil Robinson said: “Our research demonstrates the serious consequences a lack of sleep can have, not only on our day-to-day performance, but in terms of lost productivity in the workplace.”
Tensor Time and Attendance System can help maintain workforce productivity
Making sure that employees are at peak productivity levels at all times is very important for line managers, who should consider using a solid and reliable time and attendance system designed to offer a clear overview of all holiday bookings and approve (or disallow) them accordingly.
That’s exactly the case with Tensor’s WinTA.NET system, which supports extensive Absence Planning and Entitlement Management. The built-in graphical calendar charts provide a colourful way of viewing an individual’s or a department’s absence records, and each employee can be allocated different entitlements for absence such as annual leave or allowed sickness.
As absence is booked and taken, the remainder available for each entitlement is updated. Entitlement formulae are used to calculate more complex entitlements calculated on a rising scale based upon length of service.
WinTA.NET provides this information through warning email notifications or via hardcopy reports. The system quickly identifies missing employees that are expected to be at work and then informs you via automatic email reporting reports distributed by email.
If you’d like to find out more about the Tensor WinTA.NET system just contact us or Book a Demo, we’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.