Electronic Access Control Systems are the Perfect Security Solution for University Campuses, Experts Argue

Integrated Access Control System

Electronic Access Control Systems can deliver improved security for university campuses, while in the same time helping organizations in the educational segment significantly reduce their costs, experts have argued.

Using electronic locks and smart cards for access control on doors located in dorms and residence halls provides enhanced credential control, making them the solution of choice for students and staff who want and need immediate access.

Furthermore, EAC capabilities allow for an audit trail, so that administrators can see who has accessed which rooms and when. Plus, they also have lower costs and ease of installation and subsequent maintenance, thus reducing the overall overhead and helping universities cut their budgets.

Electronic access control systems also deliver more convenience and peace of mind, since electronic credentials that can be used across an entire campus would greatly benefit students.

Tensor plc – Specialists in Electronic Access Control Systems for the Educational Segment

Tensor plc is a top designer and manufacturer of proximity access card – based access control and time and attendance terminals, who supplies reliable and secure Access Control Systems, delivering complete control of a single internal door through to a fully computerised, multi-site network of control points.

Our advanced systems will enable you to control most standard types of internal/external electronic door releases and physical security devices such as barriers and turnstiles making full use of location points, whether in full view or hidden out of sight.

Whether operated by contactless smart cards, key fobs or biometrics, a Tensor Access Control System gives you full control over who is allowed access through any controlled pointat any time of any day, placing it at the forefront of security solutions.

Tensor Access Control is modular in design, and has the advanced capability of being able to be adapted and extended to integrate with a time and attendance system seamlessly and without complication.

If you’d like to find out more about the extensive range of access control solutions supplied by Tensor, just contact us or Book a Demo, we’d be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.

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